Thursday 14th October 2021


 Another kind-of-average, not-much-to-mention day with light westerlies and varying cloud cover; the light smattering of birds through the morning comprised 221 Goldfinches south, a Stock Dove, a Rock Pipit, a brief Yellow-browed Warbler which called just twice, 12 Chaffinches, 3 Grey Wagtails, 8 Skylarks, 2 Reed Buntings, 4 Siskins, 3 Blackcaps, 8 Chiffchaffs, 15 Song Thrushes, 13 Redwings, 2 Bramblings and 4 Swallows.

Ringing: Song Thrush 1, Redwing 2, Blackbird 1, Grey Wagtail 3, Robin 2, Dunnock 1, Chiffchaff 2, Chaffinch 1, Blue Tit 2, Great Tit 1, House Sparrow 1, Blackcap 1

Another autumn flyer is Mallow; this species 'does what it says on the tin' and lives on Mallows