Wednesday 20th October 2021

The dismal lack of migrants continues and then, late morning, this Shorelark was found on the beach lifting everyone's mood a notch or two. Early on 237 Cormorants flew out to sea towards the Cork Sands to go fishing which is our first three figure count of the autumn. On the move southbound, when the rain stopped, 74 Goldfinch, 18 Mipit, 10 Siskin, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Linnet & Swallow. Grounded migrants were 3 Song Thrush & Redwing. Offshore movements almost nil. Both Clouded Yellow & Common Blue butterfly noted early afternoon which, with temperatures due to plummet tomorrow, may well be the last of there kind on the wing this year.

This might be a mine of Gracillaria syringella on Privet but, as we get reasonable numbers of the adult moth, it's not the end of the world if it isn't! Adult above photographed back in July.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit.