Monday 22nd November 2021

More interesting this morning (certainly compared with yesterday!). We have a dismally poor showing of only 7 Goldcrests all autumn so it was good to get this positively obese young male which, by its weight, hadn't come far to reach us. Other migrants included 30 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, Brambling & a Woodcock sitting on View Point Road pre dawn. At least 556 Starling in off the sea headed inland during the morning with the only other passerines noted on the move were southbound 4 Chaffinch, 2 Skylark & a Mipit. Offshore southbound 24 Black-headed Gull, 14 Red-throated Diver, 12 Shelduck, 9 Brent, 4 Eider, 4 Greylag, 3 Goosander, 3 Teal, 2 Gannet & Common Scoter plus northbound 13 Gannet, 5 Common Scoter, 4 Eider, 4 Red-throats, 3 Common Gull & a Pomarine Skua at mid-day. The 2 tame Purps were on the point and a Guillemot in the river.

Ringing: 13 Blackbird, 1 Goldcrest, 1 Robin, 1 Song Thrush.