Sunday 14th November 2021

Annoying intermittent fine drizzle on and off this morning resulted in at least 50 Blackbird on site plus a couple of Redwing, Songies and a Brambling. A couple of groups of Starling  totalling 266 came in off the sea & 5 Siskin passed through. Offshore 3 Great-northern Diver heading south were noteworthy with a supporting cast of 216 Brent, 26 Dunlin, 10 Shelduck, 5 Common Scoter, 3 Red-throated Diver, 2 Kittiwake & Guillemot with northbound 10 Gannet, 3 Guillemot, 3 Red-throats, 2 Greylags & Shelduck.

Only our first Feathered Thorn of the autumn - we get small numbers from the end of October onwards and was beginning to wonder whether they were going to appear this year (although we have had a couple of 'blankety blanks' in the past).

Ringing: 6 Blackbird.