Sunday 7th November2021

Handful of new Blackies & thrush's new in is fairly typical for the time of the year. Also noted a Reed Bunting plus a visit from a couple of Lesser Redpoll & a Jay. 3 Snow Bunting again paid a visit. Heading south 50 Goldfinch, 20 Wood Pigeon, 13 Greenfinch, 11 Siskin, 5 Chaffinch, 4 Mipit & 2 Skylark plus offshore southbound 15 Brent, 10 Common Gull, 8 Gannet, 5 Red-throated Diver, 4 Razorbill, 2 Eider,  2 Goldeneye, Common Scoter, Great Crested Grebe & Guillemot with northbound 12 Brent, 4 Gannet, 2 Common Scoter & 2 Red-throats.

Ringing: 5 Blackbird, 2 Lesser Redpoll, 1 Song Thrush, 1 Wren.