Tuesday 16th November 2021

Light Brown Apple Moth is a colonist from the Antipodes, first noted in the UK in the 1930's and now abundant and widespread

 A similar day to yesterday - heavily overcast and very calm; birds of note included c30 Blackbirds, 28 Brent Geese, 2 Chiffchaffs (first ones for a while now), 2 Purple Sandpipers still on the jetty, 12 Red-throated Divers, 7 Redpolls, a Sanderling south, 50 Siskins south, 8 Snow Buntings still and a Woodcock.

Ringing: Blackbird 6, Redwing 1, Chaffinch 1, Dunnock 1, Robin 5, Lesser Redpoll 5, Goldfinch 3, Song Thrush 1