Tuesday 30th November 2021

Whilst walking around the reserve this winter on a 'birdless' day, if you want something to put a smile on your face poke your head over the fence behind the cottage garage to see the "Octopus's Garden". 

165 Cormorant headed out fishing with a further 4,291 coming in from the north to feed on the Cork Sands. Apart from seagulls behind shipping (plus a few Gannets feeding with them) not a lot moving offshore with southbound 10 Common Scoter, 8 Brent, 4 Red-throated Diver, Kitt & Teal with northbound 11 Red-throats, 3 Common Scoter, Brent, Guillemot & Teal. The only suggestion of a migrant on site today is a new Chaffinch.

Ringing: 1 Chaffinch, 1 Wood Pigeon