Saturday 20th February 2021

1,360 Cormorants headed out fishing. Minimal sea-watching produced just a couple of Brent & Red-throated Divers plus a Teal south. 2 Stock Dove on the reserve were the first of the year & a Linnet was the first for 12 days. Whilst undertaking another morning of Helgoland repairs 3 Skylark headed south overhead.

As it is rumoured to be getting milder the moth traps have been out the last couple of nights. An Angle Shades this morning is a ubiquitous species that we get here in small numbers at any time of the year, although it can be prone to larger numbers during periods of immigration.

Friday 19th February 2021

1,228 Cormorant went out fishing pre dawn. Limited other observations as morning spent doing essential repairs. On site single Robin & Song Thrush singing early on was good to hear. At least one Woodcock still with us plus a handful of Red-throated Diver noted offshore. 16 Magpie is worth a mention as they indulge in parliamentary type activity prior to the nesting season.

Thursday 18th February 2021

 739 Cormorant headed out fishing early on. Offshore southbound 15 Brent & Red-throated Diver with northbound 5 Red-throats. 2 Ringed Plover were cavorting over the beach for the first time since the thaw. Only other thing worth a mention is a single Woodcock. Bulk of the morning was spent on Helgoland repairs before the temperature dropped & rain.

Wednesday 17th February 2021

Still a couple of Peacock butterflies hibernating in the cellar with odd flakes of falling paint from the roof & cobwebs on them. Several have disappeared suggesting something fancied a winter's snack. 

Dull old morning. 1,208 Cormorant headed out to sea between 0634 & 0638 hrs which is now getting to dam early in the morning for any sane person to be down here at this time of the year. The highlight of the morning was 2 Skylark heading south who are either relocating after the snow cover or think that spring is sprung. Offshore characteristically poor, as it is wont to be in the second half of February, with southbound 7 Oyk, 5 Brent, 3 Pintail & 2 Dunlin and northbound 10 Brent & 5 Red-throated Diver.

Ringing: 1 Wood Pigeon.

AGM Reminder

 This years AGM will take place remotely on Tuesday 9th March. All members have been e-mailed details. If you are a paid up member and haven't been e-mailed details and would like them please accept our apologies for this oversight & e-mail the Membership Secretary. 

Tuesday 16th February 2021

Dull old morning with the thaw continuing. 916 Cormorant went out fishing early. Offshore southbound 2 Red-throated Diver, 2 Brent & Barnacle with northbound 33 Brent & 8 Red-throats. On site 2 Greenfinch, Fieldfare & Lapwing. 17 Crows flying around socialising early on indicates that the cold snap had no effect on them at all. 

Monday 15th February 2021


Thaw setting in. Quite possibly only 2 Robins survived by the observatory plus another 2 at the cottage with the weather wiping the rest of those on site out. Wren numbers are also depleted but the judge is still out as to what degree. At least 1,205 Cormorant headed out fishing early. No offshore activity & at least one Woodcock is still with us.

Sunday 14th February 2021

Biting onshore wind still. On site at least 2 Woodcock & a Lapwing. Limited offshore observations produced single Goosander & Velvet Scoter heading south plus a Brent north.