Ringing Recoveries

 Blackbird ringed LBO 24th October 2019 was retrapped 777 km away at Logana Sira, Sokndal, Norway 27th December 2021. This will be a bird migrating through Landguard as a youngster, but as an adult, it looks like it is going to remain in Norway for the winter.

Blue Tit ringed LBO 9th October 2020 was retrapped almost a year to the day 13 km away at Shingle Street 10th October 2021.

Blackbird ringed LBO 13th October 2021 was found dead 118 km away at St. Albans, Herts 19th January 2022. This will be an autumn migrant at LBO failing in its attempt to overwinter in St Albans.

Great Tit ringed 17th October at Newbourne Springs wandered the 12 km to be retrapped at LBO six days later on 23rd October 2021.