Wednesday 19th January 2022

904 Cormorant headed out to sea fishing when it was barely getting light. 2 Fieldfare & a Mistle Thrush present as it was getting light headed inland over the docks. Also as it was barely light 5 Ringed Plover & 3 Sanderling on the shore soon departed. Offshore southbound 10 Wigeon, 6 Shelduck, 2 Brent, 2 Common Scoter & 2 Red-throated Divers with northbound 1 Red-throats. 2 Purps were on station on the point with single Oyk & Turnstone along the riverbank. A 'decent' count of 42 Common Gull were offshore which is a bit sad to report as a highlight as mid-winter counts last century could be in the several thousands. Finally both Mr & Mrs Peregrine were seen, although no courtship or visitations to the nesting platforms have been seen this "spring" whereas in past years they are often showing some interest by now.