Friday 18th March 2022

A calm day, becoming more windy as the day progressed. A few birds of note, some siskins still moving and the Cetti's warbler still present though mobile. Ringing was slightly better than yesterday, despite the wind and a new moth for the year was present in the trap.

Lots of the regular birds are in full voice currently, most obviously blackbird, wren and dunnock, the latter of which was very much in evidence today with 25 recorded. A peacock and small tortoiseshell were our butterflies of the day. 

The moth in the trap was a male Diurnea fagella, a common moth in spring, though infrequent at Landguard. The female of the species only has vestigial wings and has not been recorded on site.

Ringing totals: 1 Blackbird, 1 Dunnock, 1 Redwing.