Tuesday 22nd March 2022

Another quiet day here, though with marginally more birds ringed and more butterflies noted. A brambling, a skylark and a couple of meadow pipits were less than daily occurrences. 42 sanderling at the point marks a new record, after the 41 noted last week. A white wagtail added a little continental flavour in the afternoon.

2 mute swan drifted up river for the first time in 10 days, only to disappear as quickly as they arrived. 

7 birds were ringed, with new chaffinches and chiffchaffs presumably moving through. A female linnet was a new capture for the year.

2 each of small tortoiseshell, peacock and comma were noted in the sunshine, and out of the wind. The moth traps yielded similar species to days past with a few Hebrew Characters and a Dotted Border.

Ringing: Chaffinch 2, Chiffchaff 2, Linnet 1, Redwing 1, Wren 1