Wednesday 16th March 2022


This Short-eared Owl is presumably making its way back to its breeding grounds. Migrants today included 16 Redwing, 2 Brambling, 2 Chiffchaff plus southbound 50 Starling (of which 17 had quite probably roosted here) & 10 Siskin. Offshore not a lot moving but southbound 15 Barnacles & 11 Shelduck with northbound a Red-throated Diver plus a few local Greylags coming & going. 2 Dunlin were on the point early morning with the 2 Purps. 30 Crows on the beach at one point is a high count here probably consisting of a load of marauding juvenile delinquents up to no good.

Ringing: 1 Blackbird.