Friday 1st April 2022


Heavy snow showers this morning, with a biting north wind, precluded much migration monitoring. Most birds rather sensibly chose to stay in cover rather than expose themselves to the elements. Some were more hardy, such as the long staying purple sandpipers on the point, the local partridge and woodpigeons. Even the shelduck were only noted passing by rather than congregating in the grassy areas.

Alas for the Observatory staff, we had to venture out in this to rescue and re erect the ringed plover fencing that had been washed away by the strong waves overnight. Despite our fears, every post was still present and between three of us, the posts were back in place before the end of the morning. Thankfully the weather had abated slightly during this, only to come back with a vengeance once we'd returned.

Red- throated diver flying south and a brave chiffchaff present in the obs grounds were the avian migrants of note, with the moth traps producing a single familiar Hebrew Character.

Birds ringed: zero, nets were not opened in this weather, for obvious reasons.