Saturday 9th April 2022

Slightly stronger winds today, led to an increase in bird movement, and species recorded, with 40 species noted for the first time in a while. A few chiffchaffs were still present, but we had a good representation from the corvids, with all the 5 common species being noted, including a jay that moved up and down the peninsula. First sandwich tern of the year was observed going north, and a yellowhammer was seen going south first thing. 

Ringing was slightly quieter than yesterday, with 5 birds ringed, though the diversity was good, with 5 different species accounted for, including a woodpigeon.

The moth traps produced a couple of common Quakers, though with the temperatures increasing next week, we expect the species recorded to improve also.

Ringing: 1 Blue Tit, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Great Tit, 1 Linnet, 1 Wood Pigeon.