Tuesday 12th April 2022

Migrants are still trickling through, with several chiffchaffs and a blackcap ringed. Out to sea there was movement as well, with another common tern and sandwich tern, plus 2 gadwall and a whimbrel as firsts for the year. A white wagtail was present as was a black redstart around the cottage.

Shelduck numbers are slowly increasing, with 16 today, and woodpigeon nests are slowly appearing in the observatory compound. As the sun warmed the ground, quite a few insects were on the wing, including the first red admiral of the spring, several species of mining bees, and micromoths.

Moth traps produced more common Quakers, but numbers and diversity should improve with warming weather.

Birds ringed: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaffs 4, Song Thrush 1