Tuesday 19th April 2022

A pretty quiet day after yesterdays excitement. Northerly winds didn't help with this, though a few migrants were battling against it, yellow wagtail and sand martin heading north and a new lesser whitethroat ringed were the highlights. 

Insects are really getting into spring, apart from all the mining and other bees, more and more butterflies emerge by the day. New for the year was a speckled wood in the compound, with a supporting cast of small and green veined whites, peacocks and this comma. Like peacocks and small tortoisehells, this species hibernates through the British winter, but despite this, this individual is looking pretty fresh.

Winner of the best Latin name award was this micromoth Agonopterix subpropinquella. First for the year and a species that has a couple of colour forms, with this paler form being rarer at Landguard.

Ringed Birds: Blackcaps 3, Chiffchaffs 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Linnet 1.