Tuesday 5th April 2022

With a wind direction change, we were hopeful for a few migrants this morning. A few expected species early on, chiffchaffs, redwings and a blackcap. The two wheatear males remained on the point, as flighty as they were yesterday, and very aggressive to each other. Two male linnets in the nets were a sign of things to come later in the month when birds move into the compound to breed.

The undoubted highlight of the day however was a 2nd year male serin, the last bird caught today. There have only been 35 serins ringed (up until 2020) in Britain, and only 3 here at Landguard, of which this is the first male. 

The moth traps were starting to get busier as the temperature increases and a Twin-spotted Quaker was the first record here for 3 years. 

 Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 3, Blackcap 1, Linnet 1, Serin 1, Redwing 2