Friday 13th May 2022

Moderate westerly winds provided an almost typical spring migration day today. Wheatear numbers increased to at least 19, and were joined briefly by a cracking adult yellow wagtail. Yesterday's spotted flycatcher was joined by 2 more in and around the observatory, and along with a female redstart, were the first individuals of their species ringed here this year. Willow warblers were active and singing around the compound, including the Observatory's first Spanish ringed willow warbler!

Swallows streamed south all morning, along with our first double figure count of house martins, a single sand martin and 5 swifts.

Moths were slightly more numerous today, due to higher temperatures, and probably some blown in by the westerly wind. We don't see Epinotia immundana very often. Its an extremely variable species that is common around birch and alder. This individual probably arrived with the western wind.

Ringed Birds: Blackcap 1, Chiffchaff 1, Redstart 1, Spotted Flycatcher 3, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warblers 3

Control: Willow Warbler 1