Friday 6th May 2022

A very warm day today, shorts weather for the observatory staff apparently! A few notable migrants around, still plenty of new lesser whitethroats in, a movement of robins and one new adult blackbird, which was interesting as all the locals are feeding young or are on eggs at the moment, this adult female was not even in breeding condition. On the subject of blackbirds, our first fledglings were caught today, a very young male, and a much more advanced female. 

A further sign of spring was the continued emergence of large red damselflies which are commonly the earliest emerging dragons. A presumed hairy dragonfly last week just pipped them to the post this year though. A lot of butterflies were present today, with green hairstreaks making their presence known on our lilac bushes. 

Ringing was moderate, with some fledglings and a reed warbler.

Moth traps produced similar interest, with this Waved Umber, a species that is just about annual on site, despite abundant food plants, being the most notable.

 Ringed Birds: Blackbird 3, Chiffchaff 1, Lesser Whitethroat 1,  Reed warbler 1, Robin 2, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 4.