Tuesday 31st May 2022

The unsettled weather, with intermittent rain showers made for a quiet day. Starling numbers are increasing daily, over double yesterdays total. A few swallows flew past the Observatory, and along with 2 terns heading north, and a lone chiffchaff in the compound, were the only migrants seen. 

A new juvenile blackbird was ringed, the first for quite some time, and the first juvenile goldfinch was ringed for the year, probably the bird seen yesterday. Goldfinch numbers are slowly increasing as the season progresses, and we should expect some more juveniles in the next month. 

One of the sites moth specialties is the nationally scarce Ethmia terminella, first recorded in 2004 and colonizing since then.

Ringed Birds: Blackbird 2, Goldfinch 1, Linnet 1, Starling 3.