Tuesday 3rd May 2022

With some very misty moisture in the air today and a change in wind direction, a little bit of spring arrived. 3 common sandpipers were present on the river, its notable to get a picture of one common sandpiper here, 3 is something else. Another ring ouzel, a female this time, was present on the reserve along with our first whinchat of the year. The fieldfare was still present, giving a little wintery tinge to the day list. 

Ringing picked up significantly until the wind picked up. We had a small fall of warblers, with 6 species basically the only birds ringed. 9 lesser whitethroats, outnumbering all other species by at least 3 times, is not an experience you get every year. Our first garden warbler and common whitethroat were also ringed during the morning.

The moth trap produced this rather excellent specimen, a Pale Prominent, with absolutely phenomenal camouflage making it look very much like a wood chip, without looking carefully, its hard to see its anything living. 

Ringed Birds: Blackcap 3, Chiffchaff 2, Common Whitethroat 1, Garden Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 9, Willow Warbler 3, Woodpigeon 2.