Monday 27th June 2022

A hobby passing over early morning was the highlight of a moderately interesting morning. Large numbers of gulls were feeding off the point, and a good number of curlew flew south. A juvenile magpie ringed this morning was a surprise and probably not very local as most of the local chicks were ringed as nestlings this year. 

Scarce emerald damselflies were mating in the Butts Pond this afternoon, a good sign that they may reappear next year. Several species of butterfly are on their second hatching, with fresh peacock and small tortoiseshells on the wing along with meadow browns who are still on their first emergence. We await our first ringlet butterflies, which are already out further up the coast at Minsmere.

Following on from yesterdays blog, another Sciota rhenella was recorded, though of a different colour morph, which led to quite some head scratching during the morning. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 2, Goldfinch 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Magpie 1.