Thursday 23rd June 2022

A quiet day, with some notable birds passing. 3 gannets offshore were the first in quite some time. 19 shelduck heading north may well be on their way to their moulting grounds off Helgoland and the Waddenzee. The local birds are looking a little tatty now, and still there has been little sign that they've attempted breeding here this year, but often they surprise us, and there may well be incubating birds we haven't seen. Little terns, after taking so long to be recorded this year, are now feeding offshore almost daily, with some common terns passing through in both directions as well and sandwich terns present. Not often we've had 3 tern days in 2022. A juvenile blackcap was the first of the year, with some more juvenile lesser whitethroats being ringed today, and adults observed carrying food to another nest in the compound. 

Epuestila woodiella can be very common here and is often the dominant micro moth in our traps.

Ringed Birds: Blackcap 1, Dunnock 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2.