Tuesday 7th June 2022

Calmer weather today actually produced some migrants! A late wheatear (probable Greenland race) on the nature reserve and a chiffchaff ringed at the Observatory. Some dispersal migrants included another juvenile coal tit amongst many juvenile bird whose provenance can't be 100% known. 

First fledgling wrens of the year were ringed today, after emerging yesterday. Another great tit ringed was younger than the previous birds, we assume another nest has begun to fledge now. 

Little terns have been very scarce this year (though not as much as Arctic terns) so 4 photographed off the point was a notable record today, as was a brent goose heading back upriver instead of north towards the breeding grounds. 

Moth wise, new species for the year are emerging daily, as this is now the most productive time of year, including this subtle Middle-barred Minor.

Ringed Birds: Blackbird 1, Chiffchaff 1, Coal Tit 1, Dunnock 3, Great Tit 1, Linnet 6, Wren 3.