Friday 15th July 2022

Another warm day today. Nothing of note on the ringing front, but continuing our dispersing woodpecker theme, two great spotted woodpeckers were present on site, having travelled down the peninsula and then thought better of going further when they saw the sea. 

Butterflies were well represented today, with 17 species on site, including freshly emerged speckled wood and a male brimstone, amongst all the regulars. A few larger dragonflies were present, with an emperor and a ruddy darter at the Butt's Pond and a southern hawker enjoying the net lanes at the observatory.

The moth traps were not heaving today, but relatively busy. This fresh Pine Hawkmoth was notable, as they are infrequent visitors and usually more worn than this.

Birds Ringed: Dunnock 2, Linnet 1.