Friday 1st July 2022

On the move southbound 20 Sand Martin, 18 Curlew, 12 Swift, 9 Black-headed Gull, 3 Med Gull, Barwit, House Martin & Whimbrel with northbound a Little Egret. Apart from this its the locals in the usual places. Worth a mention is up to 500 Starling in recent days with a high proportion adult which suggests that they have not had a bumper breeding season. Sand Martins arrive early in the spring and once breeding is over start abandoning the UK in the last week of June onwards. Sorry folks but autumn is well underway for several species despite others attempting to churn out another brood.

Crescent Plume lives on Restharrow so likes it here although its a bit more complicated than that. After a drought year when the Restharrow struggles then the following year the Plume suffers but following wetter years when the Restharrow has enough to drink then this species does ok.

Ringing: nil.