Friday 29th July 2022

A day of autumn promise today. Several notable migrant birds including an arctic tern on the beach and the first site record of wood warbler for the year. Common and sandwich terns were feeding off the point and a flock of teal flew upriver. The first garden warbler of the autumn was ringed, a nice fresh juvenile, and another green woodpecker paid the Obs a visit. Another family of lesser whitethroats were ringed, it really does seem to have been a good year here for the species, unlike their cousin the common whitethroat which seems to have struggled, at least locally. 

Formerly very common we now consider ourselves fortunate to a see a Garden Tiger.

Birds Ringed: Dunnock 1, Garden Warbler 1, Green Woodpecker, House Sparrow 1, Lesser Whitethroat 5, Linnet 1, Starling 35