Friday 8th July 2022

A hot and sunny day today, good for insects, but not too bad for birds either surprisingly, with the second great spotted woodpecker juvenile ringed in the last two weeks, some new blackcaps, a juvenile chiffchaff and some fresh young great tits. 

Butterflies are enjoying the sunshine, as were 2 emperor dragonflies, a southern hawker and a Norfolk (green-eyed) hawker in and around the compound.

We had the second site record of Eucosma metzneriana, a species that is attempting to colonise the country and has been gived a proposed RDB (Red Data Book) rating.

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 1, Blackcap 2, Chiffchaff 1, Goldfinch 2, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, Great Tit 2, Linnet 8, Starling 1, Whitethroat 1.