Tuesday 12th July 2022

A sunny day good for insects, but low diversity of birds. That said, the ringing was quite productive, with a good range of juveniles processed, including another brood of great tits, presumably from further up the road. The nightingale continues to skulk at the back of the observatory, though is only heard and not seen, and we have finally observed the red-legged partridge chicks that non birders have been seeing the last few days. 

Lots of butterflies present today as expected and a few dragonflies. 2 common blue damselflies were notable, as despite their name, they are not common here. 

Small Ramunculus is a Red Data Book species until recently, when its status has improved.  

Ringed Birds: Dunnock 1, Great Tit 7, Goldfinch 2, House Sparrow 2, Lesser Whitethroat 1, Linnet 8, Starling 1, Wren 1.