Tuesday 19th July 2022

Thankfully the scorching temperatures predicted elsewhere didn't hit us here at Landguard (too much anyway). There were some reasonable migrants, another juvenile great spotted woodpecker, a juvenile blackcap and a great diving beetle, the first found in a moth trap here for many years. 

Our first migrant hawker dragonfly of the year was joined by a southern hawker, an emperor and very briefly a brown hawker. 

We failed to record the nationally scarce species Tawny Wave at all last year. This is despite it having a healthy population further up the Suffolk coast and in the Brecks.

Ringed Birds: Dunnock 4, Goldfinch 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1, House Sparrow 1, Linnet 3, Woodpigeon 1, Wren 2.