Tuesday 2nd August 2022

A decidedly autumnal day today, with strong winds and lots of migration. 50 bird species were observed today, with the highlights being 2 juvenile cuckoos. They were supported by a cast of all 3 hirundine species, 9 wader species and yellow wagtail. This wasn't QUITE mirrored in the ringing, with a single willow warbler and whitethroat the only true 'migrants' ringed. Plenty of young birds ringed though, with a new crop of young sparrows and goldfinches dominating the numbers.

The moth numbers were much lower today, with the strong winds throughout the night. We have been getting a selection of species that favour different habitat than the Observatory provides. This Sandhill Rustic is a nationally scarce saltmarsh species.

Birds Ringed: Blue Tit 1, Goldfinch 4, House Sparrow 21, Linnet 1, Robin 2, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 1