Wednesday 10th August 2022

A couple of flocks of Cormorants have been coming in off & inland the last couple of days but difficult to know their origin.

With the winds moving around to the north-east the predicted first Pied Fly of the autumn duly arrived on cue. Another autumnal first was a Whinchat at the north end with 2 Wheatear at the southern end of the reserve the only other grounded migrants new in on, what was otherwise, a largely migrant free day.

Moth traps much quieter, despite the heat, as many of the commoner species for this time of the year are largely done & dusted. Orange Swift is an autumnal species as the days start to shorten significantly.

Ringing: 3 Starling, 1 Greenfinch, 1 House Sparrow, 1 Pied Flycatcher.