Wednesday 31st August 2022


A couple of rouge showers first thing were not really expected but they did little more than barely dampen the dust down. Bright n' breezy morning with a Red-throated Diver an early autumn sighting and only our third ever in August. Also southbound 121 Teal, 9 Sandwich Tern & Gannet with northbound 5 Gannet plus a lot of wishful thinking with the stronger winds failing to produce the goods. A handful of Terns were feeding in the river with the only grounded migrants noted being 2 Wheatear, Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler.

Migrant moths decreasing in numbers with the current northerlies although not enough to stop Rush Veneer's turning up in small numbers with this time of the year often when peak numbers arrive.

Ringing: nil.