Friday 2nd September 2022

Painted Lady

A quiet day, with wind picking up steadily during the day. A few migrants about, flyover yellow and grey wags, blackcap, willow warblers and lesser whitethroats. 2 grey herons flying low north were a notable record for the day. 

Goldfinch numbers have dropped as have linnets, as they go elsewhere for food as the reserve dries out.  

Butterflies are still well represented with new emergences of Small Heath, Red Admiral and Small Copper. A couple of Painted Ladies were still present also. 

Blastodacna hellerella is normally done and dusted by this time, but with the climate changing, perhaps there will be some increases in emergences or indeed, this could just be one that's later than usual. 

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 1, Dunnock 1, Willow Warbler 2