Thursday 22nd September 2022

A good amount of 'regular' migration today, with plenty of seabirds passing offshore and a few hirundines and blue tits on land. It seems only yesterday we were bidding the Brent geese farewell as they headed north, today we had 71 passing south in multiple groups, along with 3 red-throated divers, gadwall, dunlin and scoter. A guillemot close offshore was a nice contrast to the razorbill seen in the same area yesterday. It's unusual to see grey herons migrating south, even more so as a flock, but a flock of nine slowly made their way south mid morning, joint second largest flock we've had here. 24 blue tits on and around the site was almost equally unusual, we assume this is dispersal from natal areas, which is perhaps borne out by the fact that the 11 ringed today were all 1st years. 

Monopis monacuella is a red data book species that lives on rotting animal remains, faeces and old birds nests, the latter two of which we have in abundance, often combined!

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 3, Blue Tit 11, Chiffchaff 1, Dunnock 1, Great Tit 3, Meadow Pipit 3, Robin 1.