Friday 14th October 2022

A much milder day today, with overcast skies and little wind. As such, the passerine migration, mostly finches, picked up noticeably. We had our highest number of goldfinch recorded on site this year at 898, most flying south. These were accompanied by 78 linnet, 40 chaffinch and single figures of greenfinch, siskin and lesser redpoll. A notable sighting was a 1st year hobby treating us all to a close flyby before briefly perching on the ridge. 16 skylark flew south along with 3 woodlark. Our first lesser redpolls of the year were ringed today, and both the sighting and the ringing is slightly behind what we'd expect from the time of year. Hopefully now the first have dropped in we should see them more regularly.

With the mild nights we've had, several moth species, such as this Garden Carpet, are still on the wing, as are their predators, with an unidentified bat species flying around in the early morning light today.

Birds Ringed: Blue Tit 3, Chaffinch 2, Chiffchaff 2, Great Tit 2, Lesser Redpoll 5, Meadow Pipit 1, Wren 1.