Saturday 29th October 2022

Another quiet day, with small numbers of migrants moving through. Species of note included Landguard's 13th record of Dartford Warbler and a late blackcap. A female sparrowhawk blasted through, keeping our birds on their toes, and starling numbers were up to 350, highest number for a while. Jackdaws have started to move through, with 9 noted today, and woodpigeons are gathering and making repeated indecisive movements over the observatory.

On the moth front we still keep getting good records. This is the 4th site record of Cosmopolitan, quite a notable and recent migrant to the peninsula. Another two Crimson Speckled moths were found on the beach, allowing the observatory staff and regulars to catch up with them. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 2, Blackcap 1, Chaffinch 1, Lesser Redpoll 1.