Saturday 8th October 2022

 A decent day for visible migration, despite the wind direction. Finches took centre stage with 631 goldfinch and 380 linnet flying south. These were joined by 2 redpoll, and 13 chaffinch. Other families were decently represented with 28 skylark and 3 woodlark also moving south, and for hirundines, 29 house martin and 34 swallow. 2, probably 3 sparrowhawks were also present during the morning, with at least two passing through.

5 spoonbill flew over during the morning and an obliging snow bunting was found in the afternoon at the tip of the peninsula, though it didn't stay long. 

On the moth front, the above pic is of a Dark Chestnut. You know winter is approaching when the first of these emerges.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 4, Blue Tit 2, Chiffchaff 2, Goldcrest 1, Sparrowhawk 1.