Thursday 27th October 2022

Blustery southerly winds held promise (and delivered one, but not here) but didn't produce much here. Vis mig was very slow, as was the seawatching. A couple of gannet moving past were slightly notable as we don't record them every day! A few siskin moved south, but redpolls were nowhere to be seen and a paltry 120 goldfinch moved south. Woodpigeon and cormorants are returning to their winter habits, with the former flocking in mid double figures before ultimately not deciding to head south, and the latter passing east in increasingly large groups. A grey wagtail was the sole bird ringed today. If you have to only have one bird in a morning, a bright young grey wagtail is a great one to have.

We were surprised to find this fresh Bordered Straw this late in the season. It is an immigrant species that lives on restharrow so may be the progeny of one that arrived earlier.

Birds Ringed: Grey Wagtail 1.