Friday 4th November 2022

A drier and calmer day today, though the wind increased throughout the morning. Woodpigeons were still passing in good numbers, with over 2000 heading south along with a smattering of stock doves. A flock of 12 long-tailed tits found their way into the compound, the same group that was ringed here a few weeks ago, but they brought along a bird with a different number, so it will be interesting to discover where this bird was ringed and how long ago. Finch numbers were right down, but 6 species were still observed, with a handful of siskin and lesser redpoll joining the slightly more abundant chaffinch and goldfinch and greenfinch heard passing through. A couple of buzzards and a rook made their way south late morning.

The moth above is a Streak. This is roughly the 4th record for the site. It's a species common in areas with broom, hence its infrequent visits to Landguard.

Birds Ringed: Lesser Redpoll 2, Meadow Pipit 1, Song Thrush 2.