Thursday 15th December 2022

Sunny with a sharp frost. Considering how cold it has been inland recently very few refugees have moved down here to the relatively warmer coast. 13 Golden Plover briefly on the short turf by Manor Terrace car park & a Snipe trying to find an unfrozen patch by the Butts pond are just the sort of species one would expect in such weather conditions as were 13 Lapwing & a single Skylark heading south. Also southbound 4 Shelduck, 3 Common Scoter & a Curlew with northbound 6 Red-throated Diver. 2 Song Thrush in the compound will also be fleeing the frozen conditions inland with one individual weighing in at a fairly normal arrival weight for a migrant of this species here with the other one a right little porker 30 % heavier.

Ringing: 2 Song Thrush.