Tuesday 13th December 2022


Our Magpie numbers have fallen throughout the autumn and it is highly likely that none of this years young plus a couple of the adults are no longer with us. It is normal here for the young of the year to remain with their parents in social groups throughout their first winter but none are around. The communal roost, just outside our recording area, in the conifers in the grounds of the Customs House appears to not be present this winter. No dead birds have been seen but the loss of any birds is not a good sign. Also the three pairs of Carrion Crow that frequent the site appear to have lost all but one of their young in recent months. Again the young stay within their parents territory throughout their first winter.

Enough doom & gloom. Offshore southbound 31 Teal, 19 Red-throated Diver, 15 Shoveler, 9 Shelduck, 4 Black-headed Gull & Common Scoter is a slightly better return than recent days. 17 Common Gull is worth a mention as counts this winter have been very low. On site a Rock Pipit was on the jetty.