Sunday 1st January 2023

An adult Glaucous Gull pulling in behind the Stenna Britannica going out was a 'Brucie Bonus' to start the year with. Otherwise southbound 22 Shelduck, 5 Brent, 4 Red-throated Diver & 2 Common Scoter with northbound a Red-throat. At least 33 Kitts & 18 Common Gull offshore & in the harbour. A walk around the reserve produced nothing of note and very little of anything at all. Once upon a time not long ago Shelduck returned from their moulting grounds in the Waddenzee in early November which then became later into December and many now wander back at their leisure into the new year. Just one of those things that climate amelioration is changing (overnight low last night was a barmy 10 Celsius).