Monday 27th March 2023

A change in wind direction and no rain! Still slow on the migrant front, with a couple of goldcrest, a firecrest and 6 chiffchaff the most notable birds in the compound, and a small 'fall' of 3 robins and 3 female blackbirds being the only real sign of passerine movement. A few of the local species are singing daily now, dunnocks have been at it for a week or more, along with linnet, song thrush, blackbird and sporadically great tits and wrens. Another lone long-tailed tit was clearly looking for a partner, in the wrong place because they don't breed here. It's the greylag goose time of the spring, where pairs of noisy geese wander around looking for new breeding sites, despite the lack of suitability here. 

Birds Ringed: Blackbird 3, Goldcrest 2, Long-tailed Tit 1, Robin 3.