Saturday 4th March 2023

59 Cormorant went out (but might have missed some) plus 2,888 onto the fishing grounds from the north. On site a drake Pheasant is the first since last April although this is the time of the year that males go wandering. Also offshore southbound 32 Red-throated Diver, 2 Oyk & Brent with northbound 46 Red-throats & Shelduck with 3 Gannets noted in the distance where the Cormorants were congregating. 3 Curlew went out of the estuary then north-eastwards calling evocatively heading on their way back to their breeding grounds. Difficult to know whether a new Dunnock is a migrant or a wandering male in search of a vacant patch. Finally a Stock Dove may well be the same as one noted occasionally over recent weeks & 3 Peregrine put in a similar appearance to yesterday.

The moth traps have been out the last four nights producing nothing so it is notable that the first moth of the year is also an addition to the site list. Spring Usher lives in oak woodland flying from January to early March but has not bothered wandering down here in the past (although we don't tend to trap much in the depths of winter).

Ringing: 1 Dunnock, 1 Linnet.