Thursday 30th March 2023

Despite or perhaps because of, the strong south westerlies, observations were more varied and spring like than previous days. A male blackcap, 2 willow warblers and the 9th firecrest of the year were all good new migrants in. A single fieldfare and a handful of redwing were heading north, or sheltering in the compound. We still see a trickle of continental chaffinches moving through, and chiffchaff numbers are higher than in previous weeks. At least 3 black redstarts were present around the nature reserve.

A large female peregrine made a half-hearted swoop at the local shelducks, but didn't really pursue, a male was seen later in the day, along with a sparrowhawk and a kestrel. Some of the regular observers got their first swallows of the season, having missed yesterdays birds.

Birds Ringed: Blackcap 1, Blue Tit 2, Chaffinch 2, Chiffchaff 3, Firecrest 1, Goldcrest 1, Great Tit 2, Robin 1, Willow Warbler 2.