Tuesday 30th May 2023

Breeding season continues, in the face of the consistent strong northerlies. The local great tits are not far from fledging, the magpies and crows have their young out on the reserve and the herring gulls have started targeting young rabbits, so abundant are they currently. The bachelor black redstart is still doing his best, though its very unlikely he'll attract a mate now. Some of the juvenile starlings are very naïve with one feeding between the legs of observers today before sitting between them on the same bench! Hopefully he grows out of that very quickly.

The seawatching was where the excitement was today, with 22 gannets passing through the highest count in some time. 2 Avocet heading north were easily the avian highlight of the morning. 

Setaceous Hebrew Character is one of our commoner species that is just now emerging.

Birds Ringed: Chiffchaff 2.