Monday 12th June 2023


Migrants included Chiffchaff & Reed Warbler. 6 Barnies went south. Baby birds time of the year including a young Coal Tit that may have come from no further away than the conifers in Adastral Close or Langer Park. A handful of Sandwich Terns coming & going in recent days is a tad concerning as they may be failed breeders wandering.

The moth traps have finally got busier. The last couple of nights have seen a mass emergence of Green Oak Tortrix with a mere 123 in the traps this morning (plus many more scattered around the site). They are a species that are prone to come out in force some years but are barely noticeable in others. 

Ringing: 16 Linnet, 2 Robin, 1 Chiffchaff, 1 Coal Tit, 1 Dunnock, 1 Greenfinch, 1 Reed Warbler.