Ringing Recoveries

Chiffchaff ringed LBO 18th March 2023 was taken by a cat 135 km away on 23rd April 2023 at Trolliloes, East Sussex. Odd direction for a Chiffchaff to be going in spring.

Wryneck ringed LBO 19th August 2022 was photographed 166 km away on 24th August 2022 at Thursley Common, Surrey. As only a couple of the digits on the ring were photographed it has taken a while to prove that no other individuals could have been involved. This is good evidence of onward passage in autumn.

Blackcap ringed on autumn passage at Stanford Reservoir, Northamptonshire on 25th August 2022 was retrapped on spring passage 175 km away at LBO 29th April 2023.

Lesser Whitethroat ringed Hollesley on 4th September 2022 was retrapped 15 km away at LBO on several dates from 7th May 2023 suggesting that it has settled in to breed here.

Female Sparrowhawk ringed Hollesley on 30th August 2021 was retrapped 15 km away at LBO on 29th April 2023 at a time of the year when it should be settled down to breed not wandering down here.